domingo, 23 de septiembre de 2012

Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends


How all the people know 9/11 showed us how a few persons could destroy internally to the most powerful nation in the world and this American band try to realize a tribute in honor to all the victims and injured people of the twin towers.

This song teach us that we never have to give up under any life circumstances, that we have to fight for that we want because no one know what will happen a next day. Do you know what the problem is? That the victims will not come back to their families and that hunts a lot, even though these days.

Green Day is a band that characterize for write songs that showed the social reality in the world and this song is not the exception, because this event was a historic moment in the world history.

The terrorism it’s currently in these days, even though the pressure of the United Nations and the fallen of the principal leaders like Osama Bin Laden. The US army continue fighting for protect the human rights and their protection.  

In conclusion this song called “Wake me up when Septembers ends” by the American band Green Day, is about of the terrorist attacks of 2001 in United States. Green Day wrote this song like a tribute and thinking in all the victims in New York and other places in America, although the song is stronger in very difficult moments. The song says that the pain will pass and also talk about the love and his enormous power. It’s a very interesting song that recognizes the value of love and the faith of some persons for their families.
By Work Team

3 comentarios:

  1. This song is very beautiful and the band is really amazing!!

  2. the distance binds, the time destroy, the pain make us stronger.
    it´s a beautiful song, an intimate letter, strong, painful, composed by a great band.

  3. I like this song, talk about of life and the danger of terrorism. The band is amazing and i heard that song a lot of times. This teach you that you have to live intensally love because one day this could disappear.
