lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012

The New Workers Interview

The interview is about a campaign against violence and racism. This interview will between 3 interviewers and 2 people who will answer all the questions.
Andrés: Hello Misses, tell me what can you say about this situation that affects all of us?
Magda: In life all of us are equal. You can´t discriminate for skin color or because you don´t think the same as me, it´s very stupid and it doesn´t have to happen under any circumstances.
Seba: I imagine that you both have an active participation in all this, don´t you?
Claudia: You are right. What I can remember this is a controversial matter that needs an active participation of all society and the soccer players are exactly the perfect people to talk to all the persons. For example, how many times have you heard television about racism and violence?
Seba: A lot of times, almost every day and I think that it isn´t very respectful for those people, especially black skin persons.
Oscar: I agree with my partner, so what will you do to work out this problem?

Magda: We will try to make conscience in all people, that is the first step and later we´re going to undertake other actions, later on you will know about them.
Andrés: You have to talk about those actions and activities; you have an enormous responsibility with all people that suffer everyday with this.
Claudia: Wait a second … try to keep a good behavior. This is an interview, all people will comment about your words, tries to be good and nice, and the most important is respect with other one and also with the campaign. Ok?
Oscar: Ok. Two persons were seen hitting a black skin person, how can you react to that? Because we all know that is a shockingly bad action. There is nothing to justify this kind of reaction
Magda: That was a horrible and controversial action because, as you must know, all of us are the same. You mustn´t have this kind of reaction with another human beings.
Andrés: In soccer games it is very common to watch all this stuffs. How will you face it? The violence is always present in these shows and people also get drunk and consume a lot of drugs.

Claudia:  Alcohol and drugs intake is also very relevant for this campaign and in this moment we have a security organism in charge of the alcohol and drugs tests in stadiums, so the problem is under control.
Seba: Miss, in the last week you were seen driving under alcohol effects. What do you have to say about that situation?
Magda: I don´t have anything to say, next question please.
Oscar: I´m trying to understand your behavior and I can´t, so …. Care yourself more next time because you never know what could happen next time, please.
Magda: Ok, I´m an authority and I must do it.
Andrés: In that case, how do you respond to the rumors about your alcohol problems?
Claudia: I don´t care about what you are saying, that´s why I´m quiet with my family, friends and with myself.
Seba: In our country dark skin people are more than 1 percent, what do you have to say to them? They are very complicated with these matters.

Magda: You have said it, they after make a complication of all this and remember no one has the truth, just God knows all everyone….remember that
Seba: I remember that every day, you don´t have to remind me, ok?
Magda: Ok
Oscar: For me is the last question, what is the biggest solution that you might to implement in society? I believe that you have a solution, right?
Claudia: You will know in next days and with my partner are very sure that this will work in a close future, you´ll see.
Oscar: Thank you for this interview, I appreciate both of you and just say thanks for talk with us in these difficult moments for you.

martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Forrest Gump

This it’s a dramatic – comedian movie that was filmed in 1994 in United States, this have the same contents that the book that has the same name. The movie was directed by Robert Zemeckis and starring by Tom Hanks, Robin Wright and Gary Sinise. The film won a lot of important prizes like: Oscar Awards, Golden Globe, People’s Choice and Young artist Awards, between others. In 2011 Forrest Gump was included in a category of films treasures, whit anothers great movies like: “The silence of the Lambs”, “Bambi” and others.

The film was about Forrest Gump life, he was a man with a little mental and motor problems and he traveled around the world and make some influence in the popular culture. In his childhood he had a curve back and another physical and cognitive problem that produce that he didn’t talk with the other people. But it passed some years and he made friendship with other people like Jenny and Bubba, and in his last day at school he decided to go to army.

Forrest was a strange person, he had a popular phrase that said: “My mum always said: life was like a box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get”, and is totally true because in the real life you don´t know what is gonna happen at that next day. And in the final part of movie, Forrest discovered that he is father, because he had a little boy with Jenny, but later Jenny dies and all can see this emotive scene.

In conclusion, this is a very original film that is value for all people, little and adults. Tom Hanks plays at Forrest Gump, this movie won a lot of prizes and until these days it’s a fantastic and funny story, also the visual effects are incredible and amazing. 

By Work Team

domingo, 23 de septiembre de 2012

Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends


How all the people know 9/11 showed us how a few persons could destroy internally to the most powerful nation in the world and this American band try to realize a tribute in honor to all the victims and injured people of the twin towers.

This song teach us that we never have to give up under any life circumstances, that we have to fight for that we want because no one know what will happen a next day. Do you know what the problem is? That the victims will not come back to their families and that hunts a lot, even though these days.

Green Day is a band that characterize for write songs that showed the social reality in the world and this song is not the exception, because this event was a historic moment in the world history.

The terrorism it’s currently in these days, even though the pressure of the United Nations and the fallen of the principal leaders like Osama Bin Laden. The US army continue fighting for protect the human rights and their protection.  

In conclusion this song called “Wake me up when Septembers ends” by the American band Green Day, is about of the terrorist attacks of 2001 in United States. Green Day wrote this song like a tribute and thinking in all the victims in New York and other places in America, although the song is stronger in very difficult moments. The song says that the pain will pass and also talk about the love and his enormous power. It’s a very interesting song that recognizes the value of love and the faith of some persons for their families.
By Work Team

domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2012

Problems with the "Subte"?

Subway of Buenos Aires
I knew Buenos Aires in some beautiful summer holidays that I take with my boyfriend, I was absolutely surprise with every corner of that city, how to forget Caminito with its beautiful architecture, the “Floraris Genérica” or the Boca Junior Stadium and its incredible museum. Every part of the city looked perfect for me and when the things got difficult, my boyfriend and I took the "subte" or the subway for these who don´t know that name. I had no idea of that and my only reference was Santiago´s subway. The line A of the subway was very attractive for the users thanks to its colorful and historical style, generally 7.4 million people use this transportation daily, besides, it covers almost of the city and it’s a means of transportation that it´s in peak condition because it is the oldest in Latin America and until today it hasn´t been fixed since its opening in the year 1913.
During the summer a dense and toxic enviroment can be perceived, and the people in charge of the subway tray to mitigate with and old ventilator from the 20´s, in its walls there are a lot of politic propaganda and so much trash, besides the place is very dark because its light illumination, anyway porteños (people that live in Buenos Aires) love and are very thankful of that mean of transportation because it allows them to arrive to their jobs in a brief time, that it why they suffer a lot during the ten days of strike of the machines because of some political reasons. The passengers are not guilty about the disagreements between the authorities and the subway delegates, anyway they are the only lost out and today they received subway in the worst conditions they could imagine. 
Magda in the "Floraris Genérica"
Magda in the "Subte"

Written in Spanish by:Magdalena Cruz
Translated to English by: Andrés Aguirre & Magdalena Cruz

Always the same people

When the night was falling on April 22th of the year 2012 two of the best football teams of southamerica appeared in the field to solve who was the king of the continent. The “Nacional” Stadium was full, nearly thirty five thousands with blue shirts and umbrellas to protect them from the rain that was falling over Santiago. The referee use his whistle to start the match and the party began in Ñuñoa. The starting was very intense and both teams were playing with all their strength, but five minutes after the game started a  loud noise was heard at the south part of the stadium, with the big noise, the half of the public went deaf for some minutes. The problem passed and the game continued , but twenty minutes later a second loud noise hit the stadium again. The first half finished and I started to think Where is the security here? What happened with safe stadium plan? Why these criminal continue entering to the stadium? What happened with the authorities?
Fortunately, the second half started and it was very different, nothing strange happened at the stadium and the public could enjoy the beautiful spectacle that both teams showed. Any of the teams won and they will have to wait until September 26th to face the next match and then define who is the king of the continent.

Written in Spanish by: Sebastián Rodríguez
Translated to English by: Oscar Lopez, Sebastián Rodríguez & Claudia Zapata